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We are dependent on the Election Commission website for candidates information. If there is any inconsistency in the data entry, please contact us by email (shujan.info@gmail.com). Thanks for your cooperation to enrich the site.

Political Party Info

Political Party Based Comparison - Parties spent for election


Parties spent for election

Fatal error: Uncaught MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: Error parsing ObjectId string: 0 in /workspace/political-party/Political-Parties-Spent-Money-For-Election.php:13 Stack trace: #0 /workspace/political-party/Political-Parties-Spent-Money-For-Election.php(13): MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId->__construct('0') #1 /workspace/political-party/index.php(6): include('/workspace/poli...') #2 /workspace/index.php(13): include('/workspace/poli...') #3 {main} thrown in /workspace/political-party/Political-Parties-Spent-Money-For-Election.php on line 13